Translaterr xD

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Heyy, Crimpson here.

Hey, It's Crimpson. Haleena hasn't been on lately. She might have been on when i was offline... Oh well, Guess what? Dazzling Debs want to be my friend! She's super kind. She's Awesome! Don't you believe me? Well, here's proof! I don't think you can see properly. You can always Click 'Ctrl' button and '+' button to take a closer look. Ah, What else? Well.... Add KittyCuteness. I kinda just want to give her a mention. Oh... Another picture? Hmm.... Nothing else really. Just so you know, I'm a judge and a celeb. ;) You can always check on my profile or you can just look at the picture on the side! Can you see on the Left side corner? JACKPOT! Can't go higher then that. Hey! Haleena Is one to! Right? Lemme check... Yep! The only different between us is that she's a VIP. There won't be any difference for any long! Well, Have a great day!
Crimpson xx

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