Translaterr xD

Sunday 24 February 2013

Hey Soul Sisters! And bros.

Hey, Crimpson here. I thought i should catch up with my posts. So yeah, Today I logged in and i saw Melena9169 HEADLESS! Well... Not really... But yeah... JUST SEE FOR YOURSELF! xDD
 LOOOOL! This happens to people, Headless people. :D and it's still on! This is the chat that happened after i saw her Headless.
 Lool, So yeah. That's really funny. She's headless and she knows it! Like in monster high, Headless mistress Bloodgood :D My Cousin watches it and i saw a episode. HEADLESS! Oh well, I just Went on this to show you this. I better finish this post. Melena's waiting to read it. :P So yeah, BYE!


  1. OMG IT ME melean9169 its really funny btw cool blog i love it

  2. lol shes headless :P
