Translaterr xD

Friday 15 February 2013

♥Haleena here!♥...Again. I've just come to COMPLAIN... and those who are part of this, I am more than happy to let you read.
 most of You basically INSULT meh, for gifts and then you be rude then i report u,
then you get locked for a while , then you blame ME for hacking you.
I mean for good ness sake, you getting locked out for a little has NOTHING to do with me.
So just stop blaming me for hacking you, as it is YOUR fault for getting locked out, and lying about something I TOTALLY have NOT done. Thanks for your patience: haleena xx

Click to get the codes for this image. This sexy comment features a neon sign reading "hottie alert" with a sexy female silhouette Hottie Alert!!! That hottie is meh xx ♥

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