Translaterr xD

Saturday 23 February 2013

Hey Crimpson here x

Hey, It's Crimpson. Sorry, I haven't been posting lately, I've been to busy watching Kitties mama and all4tubekids on You tube. But I have been designing the blog cover. Except the banner. Well I'd like to thank Juliet2567! Here's a picture of her.
AWESOME! Sorry about her status, She is a bit upset about her friend Jade who is... Locked out. I just want to say, Thank you so much for the banner Juliet! 

Yeah. So.. Who else would i like to give a thanks to? Hmm... Well I've already mention *$tardust* before so... Even though Bethan333 Hasn't done anything, I'd like to say to her, HI! Here's a picture of her
 Yeah, I kind of just Found her on my friend bar so... HELLO! Quite a short message. And yeah... BYE BYE!

Lol... Anyone else? Naah, Well obviously Haleena. And vampyBlue. I'm not bothered to post a picture of her. Maybe later. NO! Holidays over! Oh well, Hola!
Crimpson x

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