Translaterr xD

Thursday 21 February 2013

Awesome People!

Hey! Crimpson here. I actually want to give a shout out to the people on MSP who make it worth logging on. Well some of them :D

 Cuties Back up Acc
Okay, So You might know .:cutie:. She kind of deleted her account (Long story) But it doesn't mean that we can't be Best friends! So she's now on her Back account and we're still Best friends! It might take her a while to get to level 14 again but, Who cares? I just want to say to her, Chicken taste like Apple :3

Number 2
 Dazzling Debs
So, You might know Dazzling Debs to. Level 22 ;) Some people say Movie stars over level 20 are aggressive and mean. But that is SO not true! Dazzling Debs is really kind, she makes wonderful SM and she tries to help everyone she can. I just want to say to her is, THANK YOU! x

Number 3
You need to meet her! She is awesome! I've known *$tardust* For quite a while now, But she's never given up on me! She's super sweet, and AMAZING! You might not believe it but once you add her, you can't stop talking to her! I want to say to her, THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND STAR! xx

Well, I can go on forever, but i really need to take a shower :D Don't want to smell smelly when my guests arrive at my house. I'll post more things about more people Soon. WISH ME A GOOD SHOWER!x
Crimpson x

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