Translaterr xD

Sunday 24 February 2013


♥ Hey, Crimpson here 
Yeah, It's me again, I guess me and Haleena are just too bored to do anything else so we just post things on here. So, You like our New Banner? Yeah, I'm thanking Prettyumaimah here. Huh? How come my writing has gone funny? Oh well. Where was I? Yes, yes,  Pretty Umaimah is very generous. You must add her. She kind of told me to put her on here. But i guess that makes her funny. Look what she told me!Lol, Shes Funny. Well i guess you can see her picture now? Pas? That's French for, No? Anyway, Please please add her. Thanks!Lol, So you know my earlier Post, Melena Headless? Well today i logged in again and guess what? I saw her headless again! This Headless girl! Lol, PROOF:
 And i promise, This was taken right now. Not joking, It was really funny

 :D I actually told her

and then she started laughing too. Add her, She's really really kind :) Well, I'm bored now so i'm 

gonna talk to my friends, 


Crimpson x

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