Translaterr xD

Monday 25 February 2013

♥haleena here♥
Hey guys xD I hope your enjoying the blog and new updates. A better chat will soon be installed, where you can get social AND TALK THE WAY YOU WANT! Yes, yes! Anyway, I would LOVE to shout out prettyumaimah! She added a music player for our blog! For free! She's an awesome  friend. :D   Soo soon your chat will be installed, so thanks again! ♥haleena♥

Sunday 24 February 2013


♥ Hey, Crimpson here 
Yeah, It's me again, I guess me and Haleena are just too bored to do anything else so we just post things on here. So, You like our New Banner? Yeah, I'm thanking Prettyumaimah here. Huh? How come my writing has gone funny? Oh well. Where was I? Yes, yes,  Pretty Umaimah is very generous. You must add her. She kind of told me to put her on here. But i guess that makes her funny. Look what she told me!Lol, Shes Funny. Well i guess you can see her picture now? Pas? That's French for, No? Anyway, Please please add her. Thanks!Lol, So you know my earlier Post, Melena Headless? Well today i logged in again and guess what? I saw her headless again! This Headless girl! Lol, PROOF:
 And i promise, This was taken right now. Not joking, It was really funny

 :D I actually told her

and then she started laughing too. Add her, She's really really kind :) Well, I'm bored now so i'm 

gonna talk to my friends, 


Crimpson x

♥haleena here♥

Oh hello! I'm back AGAIN. The updates have now been DONE!! Now your cursor will have sparkles behind when you move it AND the hearts work too! I'm going to add more polls, so you have lots of fun competing through answers and being able to share what you thought on chat. I'll add some trivia too! Then I will add the answer of the trivia to the chat. Thanks again!!! ♥Haleena ♥
♥hey guys haleena here♥
I have made a few changes to the blog. I can say that we have officially added a NEW CHAT to our blog and how many page views we have! Also there is a new POLL! Yes yes yes! I'm just trying to add a new feature that when you move your mouse, sparkles follow behind. Also, hearts will automatically fall while you are reading the blog posts. Do be patient, the updates will arrive soon. While your waiting, you may read the posts, enter the daily poll and just have fun! Thanks, ♥Haleena♥

Hey guys x It's haleena. It's seems to be another randomised day. I have good friends, good life, good level, good coins. Do you remember on my status I said it is possible to have 1 million sc and 7000 diamonds by paying for it? Well it's true.

because 20 x 50000 = 1,000,000
and 20 x 350 = 7000 :D Like I said, It's possible! Anyway am just beoorrd so yeah see youh later

Hey Soul Sisters! And bros.

Hey, Crimpson here. I thought i should catch up with my posts. So yeah, Today I logged in and i saw Melena9169 HEADLESS! Well... Not really... But yeah... JUST SEE FOR YOURSELF! xDD
 LOOOOL! This happens to people, Headless people. :D and it's still on! This is the chat that happened after i saw her Headless.
 Lool, So yeah. That's really funny. She's headless and she knows it! Like in monster high, Headless mistress Bloodgood :D My Cousin watches it and i saw a episode. HEADLESS! Oh well, I just Went on this to show you this. I better finish this post. Melena's waiting to read it. :P So yeah, BYE!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Hey Crimpson here x

Hey, It's Crimpson. Sorry, I haven't been posting lately, I've been to busy watching Kitties mama and all4tubekids on You tube. But I have been designing the blog cover. Except the banner. Well I'd like to thank Juliet2567! Here's a picture of her.
AWESOME! Sorry about her status, She is a bit upset about her friend Jade who is... Locked out. I just want to say, Thank you so much for the banner Juliet! 

Yeah. So.. Who else would i like to give a thanks to? Hmm... Well I've already mention *$tardust* before so... Even though Bethan333 Hasn't done anything, I'd like to say to her, HI! Here's a picture of her
 Yeah, I kind of just Found her on my friend bar so... HELLO! Quite a short message. And yeah... BYE BYE!

Lol... Anyone else? Naah, Well obviously Haleena. And vampyBlue. I'm not bothered to post a picture of her. Maybe later. NO! Holidays over! Oh well, Hola!
Crimpson x

I'm just gonna shout out one of my friends on MSP :D
Called Snailbabe123. She was gonna delete herself
but she changed her mind x.

^there she is :D

Yesh, yesh, yesssshhh this is meeee :D Haleenaa :D  As you may know, i am VIP, judge and celeb and level 10. Yesh yesh yeessshh :D I need more friendies PRONTO.
Anyway, I would like to shoutout osm ppl.

Number one , allie♥rocks

Amazing friend, kind, helpful, awesome person to chat with.
Any problems you have, she is always there to help you.
She doesn't log on that much, but when she's online it makes you feel so excited when you know her, as soon as you log on and she's online, you pounce on your computer chair shaking and while your shaking you always have the feeling to say "Hi!", or "Heyy xx", or "Haii" or "haii, you okay?". Yes, she's an AMAZING, OUTSTANDING friend. She's cool. I kinda miss youh allie. I really do.

< Allie's also creative!!

Number Two DiaVanille.

Yesh yesh yeeessssh :D

Diavanille. She used to be my friend, but I guess she quitted cos she's no longer a celeb and she unfriended me. :'(
She's good to chat with and she's kind. I'm purely sad she quitted cos she was good to chat with. R.I.P Dia. :'(|

Number Three: Jessie J fan 01

Annyywayy, Jessie J's HUGEST FAN

is the greatest friend you could expect. I didn't even give her ANYTHING and she loved ALL my looks. She's awesome. She's kind and the bestest friend you could expect(like I said before.)                    Well I can go on forever but I guess I can't x                                   

Thursday 21 February 2013

♥hey haleena here ♥
♥haleena here ♥

Today, I recently got hacked. I lost most of my trousers, my hair and accesories.
I mean, I seriously I dont know what going on in my head. Why would I change my password to SOMETHING STUPID like simple1. That way I almost lost my acc. And he was so close to suspending my VIP. If you have noticed a rather STUPID chat from me, plz, im so sorry. I was promised that i would not be hacked and he went ahead. Am so sorry Crimpson. I cant believe I would be so stupid to give away my password, and im vip. I mean seriously. If you got any gifts from me, so for hair or clothes or accessories, please return them. I was hacked. I was stupid. Forgive me. Thanks for reading xx ♥

Awesome People!

Hey! Crimpson here. I actually want to give a shout out to the people on MSP who make it worth logging on. Well some of them :D

 Cuties Back up Acc
Okay, So You might know .:cutie:. She kind of deleted her account (Long story) But it doesn't mean that we can't be Best friends! So she's now on her Back account and we're still Best friends! It might take her a while to get to level 14 again but, Who cares? I just want to say to her, Chicken taste like Apple :3

Number 2
 Dazzling Debs
So, You might know Dazzling Debs to. Level 22 ;) Some people say Movie stars over level 20 are aggressive and mean. But that is SO not true! Dazzling Debs is really kind, she makes wonderful SM and she tries to help everyone she can. I just want to say to her is, THANK YOU! x

Number 3
You need to meet her! She is awesome! I've known *$tardust* For quite a while now, But she's never given up on me! She's super sweet, and AMAZING! You might not believe it but once you add her, you can't stop talking to her! I want to say to her, THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND STAR! xx

Well, I can go on forever, but i really need to take a shower :D Don't want to smell smelly when my guests arrive at my house. I'll post more things about more people Soon. WISH ME A GOOD SHOWER!x
Crimpson x

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Yessss!!!! Hey guys!!!!!!!!
:D Haleena's here!  ... It's another random day. It looks like summer outside, but seriously, its COLD!
This morning , I woke up and my feet were literally SHAKING. it was COLD.... Even when I put extra warm socks on, it felt even WORSE. All the windows were closed, the radiator was on, I had an extra warm coat on and heavy trousers, but nothing worked -.-. Don't joke with the weather. That's all I can say x

Wanna be directed STRAIGHT to moviestarplanet? CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW!
 Click now!

Huh? No button??? I OUGHTA???

OMG am very purely sorry. Scroll for the button!

Nothing still??? Am terribly sorry.
There you go! Unclickable? COPY AND PASTE!
♥Haleena's Out!♥

Heyy Haleena here

Its been 4 days... So today I got a friend request from a level 19 :D It's really amazing from a tiny thing I do,
I get friend requests :D Soooo..... When I'm online Crimpson isn't and when I'm not online, she is... its weird :D Anywayyy...   I logged on this morning and FINALLY... I saw Crimpson xx  But i guess something wrong happended cos she logged off before i was able to type the second letter of my message; "hi x"

Soo, I just got this picture
of meh from fb :D

I just wanna shoutout Ronnie xx
Yes, she's amazing. We dont chat that
much but... she's kind.
:D It's weird in her MSP life cos
in EVERY COMP she wins 2nd place -.- she's lucky
Anywayy, The girl who is level 19 is osm x , It's amazing that nowadays I get so many friends when earlier I hardly got any. Anywhoo, Crimpson's online HOORAY!!!!!!

Anywayy enjoy pics while you wait for next times post. Thanks again xxx (SORRY FOR DELAYS!) Love, haleena xx

is the level 19(sozzy I left out her level :D)

Anywayz BYEE XXX

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Heyy, Crimpson here.

Hey, It's Crimpson. Haleena hasn't been on lately. She might have been on when i was offline... Oh well, Guess what? Dazzling Debs want to be my friend! She's super kind. She's Awesome! Don't you believe me? Well, here's proof! I don't think you can see properly. You can always Click 'Ctrl' button and '+' button to take a closer look. Ah, What else? Well.... Add KittyCuteness. I kinda just want to give her a mention. Oh... Another picture? Hmm.... Nothing else really. Just so you know, I'm a judge and a celeb. ;) You can always check on my profile or you can just look at the picture on the side! Can you see on the Left side corner? JACKPOT! Can't go higher then that. Hey! Haleena Is one to! Right? Lemme check... Yep! The only different between us is that she's a VIP. There won't be any difference for any long! Well, Have a great day!
Crimpson xx

Saturday 16 February 2013

♥Hey, Crimpson Here♥

Hey... Just Another Random day. It smells like Eid in my house. Yeah... Talking to My real BFF in Real life. She says "Helllllooo... I'm Lost for words... *Laughs*" Yeah... She's weird. We both are. Anyway, Haleena isn't on right now. She might any second... Any second now... No. Oh well... Here are some random pictures from (BTW they're moving pictures).

Click to get the codes for this image. This silly cartoon reads:

The difference between mashed potatoes & pea soup... Anybody can mash potatoes!Lool... For the People who don't understand, Anyone can MASH Potatoes but Not everyone can PEE soup. Woops. :D
Click to get the codes for this image. HEY! It's pretty Expensive To Look this Cheap, Newest Comments  Graphics, Attitude, Fashion, Funny Stuff Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!Click to get the codes for this image. This funny animated photo is sure to make any dog lover smile! It's a cute animated photo of an excited dog with the caption: Cookie?!? Did somebody say Cookie?!?Click to get the codes for this image. This glitter graphic shows a beautiful purple peace sign.For those who don't know... ITS THE PEACE SIGN! Click to get the codes for this image. Just Say No To War Rainbow Peace Signs, Newest Comments  Graphics, Peace Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!Click to get the codes for this image. Peace Pink And Blue Glitter Script, Peace Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog! Now For some Random Words... Peace Out HOLLA! Click to get the codes for this image. This glitter graphic comment reads: STFU! Which means Shut The F**k Up!Not Gonna say What that means :D :D :D
Click to get the codes for this image. Bad Ass Red Glitter Text, Newest Comments  Graphics, Words, Attitude Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!Click to get the codes for this image. Wtf Glitter Word, Newest Comments  Graphics, Words Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog! I am -Click to get the codes for this image. Da Bomb Pink And Blue Glitter Word, Newest Comments  Graphics, Words Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!

Hey guys xx ♥haleena here♥
Do you guys know LillyAutosPlz? She's horrible I mean HORRIBLE
She called us BWITCHES and then called meh a FWUCKINGCUNT then she started swearing and saying all those shitty bad words that are just heartbreaking. I guess she got tired of all the reports people have been doing, cos I think she's deleted her account. She was not wearing ANYTHING not even TROUSERS or SHOES! and she hasnt yet deleted her account. It's kinda freaky but she's mean
So, watch out.... AM OUT
 lolz its not VERY clear xx

 One of  meh friends :D 

 Meh and Allie
Long time honeeh xx

Friday 15 February 2013

♥Haleena here!♥...Again. I've just come to COMPLAIN... and those who are part of this, I am more than happy to let you read.
 most of You basically INSULT meh, for gifts and then you be rude then i report u,
then you get locked for a while , then you blame ME for hacking you.
I mean for good ness sake, you getting locked out for a little has NOTHING to do with me.
So just stop blaming me for hacking you, as it is YOUR fault for getting locked out, and lying about something I TOTALLY have NOT done. Thanks for your patience: haleena xx

Click to get the codes for this image. This sexy comment features a neon sign reading "hottie alert" with a sexy female silhouette Hottie Alert!!! That hottie is meh xx ♥

Hey!♥Crimpson here♥

Click to get the codes for this image. This glitter graphic features a guitar player on a dark stage with a bright glittered spotlight in the background. The comment reads: You Rock!You don't Rock... I DO!   Click to get the codes for this image. You've Been Hit By the Smiley Bus! Jump on board and send a smile to 10 of your friends! This fun chail letter will help you bring a smile to your friends!

Click to get the codes for this image. The Love Bug Chain Letter, Chain Letters, Love Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!Click to get the codes for this image. This cute glitter graphic shows a dog peering out of a cardboard box. The comment reads: Wassup?Click to get the codes for this image. This beautiful graphic shows a red rose bud reflected in an animated pool. The comment reads: Have a Beautiful Week! So tell someone special that you're thinking about them and wish them a great week!Click to get the codes for this image. This cute teddy bear glitter graphic is perfect for thanking people for adding you as an online friend. It shows a cute purple teddy bear with the comment: Thanks Beary Much for the Add!

♥Hey♥ Crimpson Here. Just posted some random Moving Pictures. So yeah... I'd like to get hit by the smiley bus. Wouldn't it be cool? x 

Click to get the codes for this image. If you like puns, you'll love this funny animated comment. The cartoon shows an ear of corn and a hamburger having a conversation. A salt shaker pours some salt on the corn and he says, "Help! I'm being a-salted!" The hamburger responds with, "At least you're not being peppered with corny jokes!" The the corn says, "You just can't mustard the strength to ketchup!" To which the hamburger responds, "You're relishing this!"

Click to get the codes for this image. Life Lessons: Sometimes in life, things will get hard... In that case, the polite thing to do is to cross your legs!

Click to get the codes for this image. If you like bad puns, you'll LOVE this funny joke: 

The Pan Says: I'd stay out of the kitchen if I were you... It's pandemonium in there.

The Bed Says: Really? It's total bedlam upstairs!

 Click to get the codes for this image. I Never Said I Was Nice, Newest Comments  Graphics, Attitude, Funny Stuff, Hot  Sexy Glitter Graphic Comment and Codes for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Piczo or any other blog!

Get Glitter Stuff - Graphics

'Ello guyzz...
Its haleena AGAIN... I made a new random account called pffffttt... and I had absolutely NO idea that i clicked RANDOM BOY.
It was supposed to be random GIRL not BOY so I guess thats over xxx

 Loolll EXPLOSION!!!!!!!
Sooooo Crimpson and I are BFF'S till probably the end of time xxxx
Ohhh and happy valentines xx
Happy Valentine's Day
Anywayss.... am so close to level 11 OMGLG!!
Help plzzz autos would help xx


Click to get the codes for this image. This hot graphic shows a silhouette of a sexy woman with the comment: Can't Sleep? Try some Hot MILF Before Bed!
Loolz  ------> What the fudge is hot MILF????
Well, if ur thinking of something dirty... your half right.....

 Lool i'll update soon xxx ADD MEH AND AUTOS NEEDED XXX