Translaterr xD

Sunday 14 April 2013

Crimpson here x

I am so sorry i haven't been on for so long. Now i have my Laptop back, i can chat. So..

   Hi Soul Sisters. And Bros.

Yes it's been a while. Crimpson has been talking to me about the blog. My VIP ended. :'( But, it seems, MSP is a little harsh about this no friend policy when your VIP has finished. Really. Take a look.
Yawn. I'm tired. School's tomorrow. It is, it is, it is. Well, I guess, I gotta do what I want REALLY fast, cos I gotta sleep early. Well, I might get VIP before tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not.

Ah well. Maybe to cheer me up you can get me a WISHY! OR 2! OR THE WHOLE THING! LMAOOOO..... Lol sorry, I drank a huge glass of champagne today.

Anyway.... I want another year of VIP cos that could get me to level 12 straight away. Now don't call me stupid.
Looooook! 100000 FAME!!! WHOO HOO!!! Oh, and if you would like a clear explanation of HOW this would get me to level 12, go right ahead.

Look at my fame. And take a GOOD look. When I upgrade to VIP I get diamonds. And I use those diamonds to level 11. Then, I will try to get up to at least 500.000 fame. Then I use the 100000 fame prize and then there we have it! Level 12!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I guess I made this cos I was DAMN beord. Byeeeeeeeee xxx Oh P.S(this is haleena)

Friday 5 April 2013

Long time no see.

Hey, Its Crimpson. Haven't been on lately. Same with Haleena. I mean, I didn't expect this, time flies by so quickly and you forget about things. I don't know about Haleena, but i suddenly remembered this, this morning. So i am truly sorry if you come on this site mostly. So, I AM GETTING ADDICTED TO PARAMORE! I always was really. But im getting more addicted. I got so addicted i bought a new CD called brand new eyes.

Here is a cover. So I ordered that CD. A new CD is coming out and I REALLY want to get it. I will get it and some point. C*. Woot woot! After 4 years! AHHH! Excited. Really am g2g now... So yeah... bye :'(

P.S: I'm Sure Haleena will come on soon if your more of a Haleena fan. I'll talk to her ;]]

Sunday 10 March 2013

Hey guys x

Well guess who i am? Haleena. NOPE! Crimpson! I know i haven't been on lately and i'm terribly sorry. It's just that i've been caught up with the REAL world. Homework, Showers, Chatting (Phones), TV, books, chores, just the Ushe. Anyway I had to reboot my computer. Now, THAT took 1 week. So sorry. OH MY DAYS, don't you hate it when your parents lecture you, READ A BOOK, TIDY THE HOUSE, YOUR NOT THE AGE TO USE THE LAPTOP. We are kids aren't we? So we're suppose to have fun at this age. Anyway... What shall i talk about? 3 Super cool People. Lemme tell you who they are!

1. Planetjoyce219

She's super cool. She tries to talk to everyone she can, shes super kind and talks super sweet, and tries to help other people (In need) Out. So Please Add her.

2. Mixlix25

Ya, she is my school friend. We talk online, on the phone, in school. And we know lots of things about each other. Shes funni. And smart. ADD HER!!

3. Snowpuffball!

I think that's how you spell it... Oh well just add her. She kind enough to mention you on her blog (She put me on her blog) And i ALSO know her in real life. -_-

Yeah, yeah, Bored now so i'm going to chat to my friends. SEE YA! x

Saturday 9 March 2013


I made a new Meez account! It's called : _lady_vintage_ Of course, you have to be 13 to use it (like imvu) So I chose 1997. And that was stupid. I guess. But it's easy to get coins (unlike MSP) and VIP on Meez, is quite cheap.

This is my user....

See! Your even allowed backgrounds AND animations For your character! This is TEN times better than MSP. And there's no lag.

You can change clothes too! And hair too. You can even change your skin colour and eyes and head for FREE! OMG xD  

That's how many COINS I have (pink 'C')

And the M is cash. Yeah, Meez is awesome. Anyway , I gtg , I'm gonna try get 1000 coins. Bye

Friday 8 March 2013

Hey guys x It's Haleena. I logged on MSP today and I had the feeling to try to redeem my redeem codes. P.S This may not work, so don't bother to even try the codes, if you don't want a 'this redeem code is invalid' notification until you logout. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS NOTICE.

Okay guys. Let's get started. ^  READ THE NOTICE CAREFULLY. Alright. Let's start. So first imma go to buy VIP/Diamonds/Star coins.
Alright. I've clicked that. Alright then. 

So I just skipped the steps to keep this going. Alright. Imma type the code and scribble some. Like I said this may not work.

Okay xD Don't think I've scribbled TOO much, cos even the first three letters oughta give you the code seconds away. Alright. Let's go!

Anddd..... It didn't work -.- Okay, well I've finished so byeeeeeee guys and girrrlssss

Heyy, Crimpson redrafted this xD so yeah its me. And Haleena. Do you seriously think  123456.. Ain't going to work. Oh well. Gotta give it a try someday. When you die, do you want to say, when i went on Moviestarplanet and i never tried the code 123456.... I COULD'VE WORKED!


Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hey guys I made a new spare xx

It's called Haleenas Spare Acc

Wanna take a look at her?

Yeeah xx That's her xx She's almost level 3 xx

Anywayyy, gtg xx

Saturday 2 March 2013

Heyyyy guyz it's haleena. I was just randomly on the internet today, and you would NOT believe what I found. It was one of those cheats, known as 'hacks' to get free VIP diamonds and starcoins. Of course, no one would be STUPID enough to believe that. The site is -.- They literally asked for our email and email password and MOVIESTAR username and PASSWORD! Need proof? And wanna know if it worked? I'll show youh.

See! It's freaky! I tried it with ma spare account and you would not believe what happened. (I have pics of my spare rich and with good clothes so dont worry.) 

Haleena.special is my spare account.  

You see?? I never got ANYTHING! Don't fall for this dipsh^t! I got hacked :'( No more good clothes :'( Hardly any sc :( I can't change my pass cos right this MINUTE the person changed it :'( Never fall for these websites :'(  At least I still have my VIP acc. Byee x ♥haleena♥

Heyy guys xD This is haleena :)  I'm almost level 11 but im darn poor :'(

Take a look.

Oh.. about 650 sc... yeaah um... never mind -.-

Anyway. Do you really think I've spent diamonds before or even BOUGHT them? I haven't. I bought my VIP on last year's Easter( 4 days before easter), when there was NO such thing as diamonds. And I'm not allowed to get diamonds. Need proof? Check this out...

Can you see the date? Exactly. Don't ask about the scribbling at the end. Cos those are my redeem codes.
Do you EVER wonder what its like being VIP? Well, trust me, its exhausting. Everyone asks you for wishys and that dipshrit (remove the 'R'). I'll show you what it's like.

You get VIP and judge beside your moviestar.(Sometimes Jury, sometimes just VIP, you have to earn celeb though.)
A few days ago someone asked me to give them a gift of hair. And I only have 2 non VIP hair styles and she didnt like non of them. And she wasnt VIP. So I told her I couldn't. Then she threatened to report me. Wanna see the conversation? Okay.

Well, she's kinda on my block list so yeah.

Okayy... She's one of the reasons I literally regret buying VIP. 

Anyway I got to go. Bye.