Translaterr xD

Saturday 2 March 2013

Heyy guys xD This is haleena :)  I'm almost level 11 but im darn poor :'(

Take a look.

Oh.. about 650 sc... yeaah um... never mind -.-

Anyway. Do you really think I've spent diamonds before or even BOUGHT them? I haven't. I bought my VIP on last year's Easter( 4 days before easter), when there was NO such thing as diamonds. And I'm not allowed to get diamonds. Need proof? Check this out...

Can you see the date? Exactly. Don't ask about the scribbling at the end. Cos those are my redeem codes.
Do you EVER wonder what its like being VIP? Well, trust me, its exhausting. Everyone asks you for wishys and that dipshrit (remove the 'R'). I'll show you what it's like.

You get VIP and judge beside your moviestar.(Sometimes Jury, sometimes just VIP, you have to earn celeb though.)
A few days ago someone asked me to give them a gift of hair. And I only have 2 non VIP hair styles and she didnt like non of them. And she wasnt VIP. So I told her I couldn't. Then she threatened to report me. Wanna see the conversation? Okay.

Well, she's kinda on my block list so yeah.

Okayy... She's one of the reasons I literally regret buying VIP. 

Anyway I got to go. Bye. 

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