Translaterr xD

Saturday 2 March 2013

Heyyyy guyz it's haleena. I was just randomly on the internet today, and you would NOT believe what I found. It was one of those cheats, known as 'hacks' to get free VIP diamonds and starcoins. Of course, no one would be STUPID enough to believe that. The site is -.- They literally asked for our email and email password and MOVIESTAR username and PASSWORD! Need proof? And wanna know if it worked? I'll show youh.

See! It's freaky! I tried it with ma spare account and you would not believe what happened. (I have pics of my spare rich and with good clothes so dont worry.) 

Haleena.special is my spare account.  

You see?? I never got ANYTHING! Don't fall for this dipsh^t! I got hacked :'( No more good clothes :'( Hardly any sc :( I can't change my pass cos right this MINUTE the person changed it :'( Never fall for these websites :'(  At least I still have my VIP acc. Byee x ♥haleena♥

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