Translaterr xD

Friday 5 April 2013

Long time no see.

Hey, Its Crimpson. Haven't been on lately. Same with Haleena. I mean, I didn't expect this, time flies by so quickly and you forget about things. I don't know about Haleena, but i suddenly remembered this, this morning. So i am truly sorry if you come on this site mostly. So, I AM GETTING ADDICTED TO PARAMORE! I always was really. But im getting more addicted. I got so addicted i bought a new CD called brand new eyes.

Here is a cover. So I ordered that CD. A new CD is coming out and I REALLY want to get it. I will get it and some point. C*. Woot woot! After 4 years! AHHH! Excited. Really am g2g now... So yeah... bye :'(

P.S: I'm Sure Haleena will come on soon if your more of a Haleena fan. I'll talk to her ;]]

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