Translaterr xD

Saturday 9 March 2013


I made a new Meez account! It's called : _lady_vintage_ Of course, you have to be 13 to use it (like imvu) So I chose 1997. And that was stupid. I guess. But it's easy to get coins (unlike MSP) and VIP on Meez, is quite cheap.

This is my user....

See! Your even allowed backgrounds AND animations For your character! This is TEN times better than MSP. And there's no lag.

You can change clothes too! And hair too. You can even change your skin colour and eyes and head for FREE! OMG xD  

That's how many COINS I have (pink 'C')

And the M is cash. Yeah, Meez is awesome. Anyway , I gtg , I'm gonna try get 1000 coins. Bye

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