Translaterr xD

Sunday 14 April 2013

   Hi Soul Sisters. And Bros.

Yes it's been a while. Crimpson has been talking to me about the blog. My VIP ended. :'( But, it seems, MSP is a little harsh about this no friend policy when your VIP has finished. Really. Take a look.
Yawn. I'm tired. School's tomorrow. It is, it is, it is. Well, I guess, I gotta do what I want REALLY fast, cos I gotta sleep early. Well, I might get VIP before tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not.

Ah well. Maybe to cheer me up you can get me a WISHY! OR 2! OR THE WHOLE THING! LMAOOOO..... Lol sorry, I drank a huge glass of champagne today.

Anyway.... I want another year of VIP cos that could get me to level 12 straight away. Now don't call me stupid.
Looooook! 100000 FAME!!! WHOO HOO!!! Oh, and if you would like a clear explanation of HOW this would get me to level 12, go right ahead.

Look at my fame. And take a GOOD look. When I upgrade to VIP I get diamonds. And I use those diamonds to level 11. Then, I will try to get up to at least 500.000 fame. Then I use the 100000 fame prize and then there we have it! Level 12!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I guess I made this cos I was DAMN beord. Byeeeeeeeee xxx Oh P.S(this is haleena)

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